Halloween is one of the most loved holidays in America, particularly enjoyed by children trick-or-treating and adults alike. However, the excitement and revelry of Halloween can make it a dangerous night on the roads for drivers and pedestrians alike. According to the National Safety Council, Halloween ranks as the third deadliest day for pedestrian fatalities. Whether you are planning to hit the streets as a trick-or-treater or driving around to witness the Halloween chills, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Unfortunately, this time of year can lead to a rise in accidents and injuries, so we have compiled some essential Halloween safety tips for drivers and pedestrians alike.


Halloween Safety Tips for Drivers


  • Don’t drive distracted. Turn off your phone while the car is moving. If something drops, wait until you stop to retrieve it. Make sure children are buckled safely into the appropriate seats. Keep any music low enough to hear pedestrians. Halloween trick-or-treaters will provide enough road distractions; don’t add any more.
  • Use your headlights. Even if it isn’t dark, keeping your headlights on will increase your visibility to pedestrians and other drivers. If your vehicle is stopped, turn on the hazard lights to help drivers and pedestrians know your vehicle is parked.
  • Slow down. The increased pedestrian traffic means you should drive slower than the speed limit. This will allow you extra stopping time and give you more time to scan the surrounding area to check for trick-or-treaters. Be extremely cautious when pulling onto a street or exiting the driveway. Avoid passing any stopped vehicles; children may be exiting from them.
  • Always yield to pedestrians; never assume that children see you. They are likely thinking about the next stash of candy. Watch for children darting between parked cars or running across the street without looking.
  • Drive sober. Make sure to have a designated driver if you plan on consuming alcohol.


Halloween Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters


  • Don’t trick-or-treat alone. Children should travel in groups, and those under 12 should have a parent accompany them.
  • Follow safety rules. Stay on the sidewalks, look both ways before crossing the street, and don’t cross between cars. Walk, don’t run, and don’t assume that the pedestrian has the right of way.
  • Increase visibility. Try to trick-or-treat before it gets too dark. Choose costumes that have light, bright colors, or add reflective tape. Carry a flashlight.


Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones This Halloween with Expert Legal Assistance! 


Halloween is meant to be a night of fun for everyone, but it’s important to remember that safety comes first. Follow these simple tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween for you and your loved ones.  If you are involved in a pedestrian traffic accident, contact our office at 419-843-6663 or visit us online to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Michigan and Ohio personal injury attorney. The expert personal injury attorneys at Gallon, Takacs, and Boissoneault are here to protect your compensation rights.

Stay safe, and have a happy Halloween!